OPMI is happy to announce our After School Program at APV.  Details and registration below.

Anthony DePalma Community Center
395 Marigold Ave.
Kissimmee, FL 34759  

3:00-6:00pm (Mon, Tue, Thur & Fri)
2:30-6:00pm (Wed)

*Extended care until 7pm  

$50/per week & $10/extended care
*an extra $5 per week will be charged for anyone from Osceola County schools due to the fact of bus drop off location. If your child attends Osceola please request bus route ID720 for drop off which is Country Club Rd and Chip Ct.  At this point one of our counselors will be there to collect children that will get on APV bus that will transport them to APV Fitness center located at 395 Marigold Ave.

**Bus routes must be requested by parent.

Polk County - Bus route drop off at 401 Walnut St. Kissimmee, FL (APV)
Osceola County - Bus route ID720

vAfter School program hours will be from 3:00pm-6:00pm Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Friday, and 2:00pm-6:30pm on Wednesday early release days. 
v  The hours from 6:00pm-7:00pm will be considered extended care and will be provided for an additional fee.
v  Parents will be required to pay the After-School tuition fee monthly. Payment is due for the entire month prior to the first day of each month. Payments can be made via our online payment portal which can be accessed in each emailed invoice. Any payments received during the first week of the month will result in a $10 late payment fee. Payments that are more than 7 days late will result in your child’s removal from the After-School Program until payment has been received.
v  The first child of a single family will be registered at a weekly fee of $50 and all subsequent members of that immediate family will be registered at a weekly fee of $40.   Extended care will be an additional $10 and will cover evening times of 6:00pm-7:00pm.
v  Osceola County students that require transportation from the Mary Jane Bus stop location (530 Chip Court) to the Anthony De Palma Building (395 Marigold Ave) can receive this additional bus transportation which we are providing through the APV Association for an additional $5 per child, per week. 


APV After School Program Enrollment Form

Please note that all fields followed by an asterisk must be filled in.

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